Re: May Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge
My awesome account team @Sheena Tratz & @Katy Kellogg got me here and it's been exciting every since! Forever grateful <31 · -
Re: WORKFLOW ALERT: Issues with Alert Someone/Send to contact in a cell
You will want to make sure that your column properties for "Please record your email" is set to contact list. From your screenshot, it appears that you do. Your trigger in the screenshot al…2 · -
Re: April Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge
I've already tried skydiving and LOVE it! #AdrenalineJunkie. I would have to say I would love to either go rock climbing or base jumping.1 · -
Re: Based upon the answer to a question on a form, can I direct to another form?
I have found a way - but not sure it's the best. Here's the steps that I took: Form #1, Question #1 - I set up the below logic: Then I created form redirect option 1 (for this purpose will be the for…2 · -
Re: Join the conversation on STEM education and help nurture the next generation of visionaries
I am going to second @Ray Lindstrom on his post about Katherine G. Johnson. Unfortunately, I did not stumble across this hero until watching "Hidden Figures" and that was only because of my…1 ·